I can't tell you how much I love Spring in Eastern NC! We've had some unusually high temps for this time of year and I'm hoping that won't hurt us later on, but it sure has been nice!! I spent all weekend out and about in the yard, part of that time spent in a lovely tent hammock relaxing to the sounds of spring.. The rest of the time was, of course, spent working! The "new" greenhouse is finally complete! A friend donated the frame to me and it is now complete with recycled windows and carpet flooring. I used old windows from my house, the carpet is from the 50's and is serving as a great weed barrier.. But man how cool is the orange shag underneath!! I transplanted a few varieties of tomatoes and peppers and am trying them out in the new digs.. We'll see how they do as temperatures are supposed to get down at night a bit this week. I'm planning to transplant basil and a few other herbs this week and will be adding them as well.
I set up two new hives on Friday.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and am hoping for the best but I made some pretty costly mistakes. I wore my new gloves and found out too late that they were not for holding a tiny nail and trying to push the cork out of the queen box. Instead of leaving the candy cork, I pushed it all the way out.. The purpose of the candy cork is to prevent the queen from escaping too soon. The worker bees have to get used to her, know her pheremones, and accept her as their queen before she can be released. The release is usually up to the bees as they eat slowly through the plug. I sped up the process and am hoping that the workers had enough time in the box with her and won't decide to kill her. At the very worst, I'll have to requeen next week. I'm just hoping they can sustain themselves for that long without her! As for my small original hive, it's not looking so great inside! There weren't many bees when I checked a week ago and there is no new larvae or eggs. I'm hoping the queen isn't dead but I'll wait again until this Friday to check. Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed!
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