I am a creature of habit. Not that I haven't always known that.. I've fought the urge for years.. Move to Portland, San Francisco, Belize, join the Peace Corps. My mother told me once that I suffered from "greener pastures syndrome", and it has taken me 35 years to finally realize her truth.. Thanks mom!
I came home today and carried out my usual daily chores:
I took care of the chickens. At the moment I have 18 laying hens and 1 rooster. Each evening after work I go to the hen house and throw out food, collect the eggs, and check their water. I notice a little bit more with every trip.. The Aracuanas (they're the ones with the beautiful green eggs!) are brave and friendly. One golden hen jumps on the side of the feed bin every day and never seems to mind when I reach out to shoo her away. The Speckled Sussex are calm. They are beautiful heritage birds with a light purple hue in their feathers. I had one stand on my feet today as I was trying to get to the feed. She just looked up at me like "hey.. where's the food".. The Black Sex Links and Barred Rocks keep their distance..and my little game hen, who is less than half the size of the others, holds her own and has been for 4 years now. In the next few weeks I will be expecting to add about 50 new hens to the mix.. I'm incubating 6, picking up 20 layers from Newport Garden Center, and getting the others via mail, 15 of which will be broilers for meat. New brooders need to be set up soon.
Charlie and Butterbean, my dwarf nubian goats, are crying away while I'm making the rounds. Each day is the same.. Charlie tests the electric fence as many times as he can stand until I get his feed in the bucket. He's so excited about this every time that I can't help but smile.. He's like my chocolate Lab Henry.. jumping around, crying, head butting.. All for the same sweet feed he got the day before!! After this, they usually run around, chase each other off the hills, and frolick a bit before heading in. Watching them play is always one of my favorite parts of the day. I'm hesitant to add to their company right now. I eventually want to get a few more females and start milking them for cheese, soap, and milk... I think I'll hold off on that one for a bit longer.. I may like my routines but I don't know about having to be here EVERY day.. morning and evening to milk.. I'm not that committed yet!
The bees are the definition of routine. They are the most amazing creatures to watch.. Today especially since I now have 5 hives. On Saturday I installed 3 new hives and replaced the queen in my weak one. I'm watching them closely for activity.. that being a very good sign that all is well and they are settling into their new home. I'll go back in the hives in a few days.. once the weather decides to warm up.. and check to see how they've done over the last week. Fingers are crossed for a good honey harvest this season!!
The cats and dogs.. well they certainly have routines. The cats spend all day sneaking up on one another or lounging around.. the dogs eat dirt.. and send me to the vet for an $800 bill with an additional surgery costing $2000 that hopefully won't happen!! They lick, scratch, beg for food, and follow me around the house.
I'm settled into my routines.. I am happy that I haven't decided to sell this place and move for the hell of it. I'm happy that I've learned to clear my head at the end of the day by doing simple things like taking notice of chicken patterns.. I'm happy that I've been fortunate enough to end up here, and happy that I am building a life that I love.. Sure I dream of other places all the time, dream of having other things, but in the end my pastures are pretty green right where they are.
Don't forget about the work day Crop Mob planned for this Saturday. We'll be starting around 8 am but come by whenever you can. There are plenty of projects to be completed and enough to keep the kiddos busy if you wanna bring them too! Please consider leaving your dog at home however, I've got 3.. one of which has been really sick recently and probably doesn't need the stress.. Bring gloves and any useful tools like shovels and rakes that you can cram into the car. The more the merrier!! Email me at seahorsenc@gmail.com if you need details or directions!
Two Bees Farm is a small plot of land in Mill Creek, NC. This blog will chronicle my experiences as I work with others to create a haven for learning, growing, and nurturing.

Thank you Mike Gerken for this amazing image of Ms. Papa doing her thing!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Monday, March 4, 2013
Crob Mob!!!
We got rained out last fall, but fingers crossed for a few days of sunshine and dryer grounds! The new Crop Mob date has been set for Saturday, March 30 starting at 8 am. There are lots of projects to be completed including a new hoophouse, chicken coop, garden irrigation, burning and land clearing, trellis building, weeding, and lots of other work! Come on out and lend a helping hand. Bring gloves, tools, and your energy! A morning of work will be followed by a light lunch and drinks. Hope to see you there!!
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