I hosted the first "Young Farmers Potluck" this past Sunday at my place in Mill Creek. Despite the rainy weather, fun was had by all. We had about 15 folks show up for good food and conversation. There are a lot of exciting things happening in Carteret County and my hope is for this group of vibrant folks to continue this tradition of learning and sharing. We look forward to the next potluck to be hosted by Daniel and Tara in March.
As for my happenings here at Two Bees Farm... I am about to take off for my second business class at CCC. Tonight we will be working on our business plans and, I hope, moving one step closer to making this idea a working reality! The seedlings are doing well. I topped them off yesterday with worm castings and watered them with a seaweed emulsion. I'm hoping this will give them the kick they need to grow strong before going in the cold frames. Speaking of cold frames, the lettuce and chard seem to be doing well. Not too shabby for my first time growing in frames! I planted some summer veggie seeds this past week as well. Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, herbs, and squash will soon be germinating! A friend scored about 8 boxes of rotting produce from the local food bank and it is now sitting happily in two of my compost bins. I'm super excited about the day old baby chicks scheduled to arrive this week. The brooders are set up and awaiting their arrival. I can't wait to hear those cute little chirps!
Fingers crossed for clear skies this weekend.. I'll make another run to the Hibbs Road Transfer Station for compost to add to the new garden area. The chickens have been eating the leftovers in the garden this week and unfortunately, found my new carrot sprouts. I'll have to replant them, along with some of the English Peas. If the soil is dry enough, I'll be tilling in the crimson clover and weeding the new garden beds. Beehives are about halfway assembled. I kept my poor brother up with the sound of banging hammer and nails, but the first new hive is completed! Bees are scheduled to arrive in late March.
There's a lot going on here and I'm more than excited about the arrival of Spring! Happy growing to all.
Two Bees Farm is a small plot of land in Mill Creek, NC. This blog will chronicle my experiences as I work with others to create a haven for learning, growing, and nurturing.

Thank you Mike Gerken for this amazing image of Ms. Papa doing her thing!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
If you or anyone you know is interested in farming ventures in Carteret County, please join me at Two Bees Farm on Sunday February 19 at 2:00 pm. I will be hosting the first "Young Farmers Potluck". Now please don't take offense to the "young" part... but I'm trying to promote more involvement from the younger folks in the area.. We are a retirement community afterall and at times it is very difficult to get the next generation involved and invested in our area. I will offer a short tour of my place (keep in mind there's not a lot going on at this time of year!) and we'll gather together for good food and conversation about opportunites in our area. Hope to see you there!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
February is a time of transition. I am currently cleaning out the garden to make way for the new Spring arrivals. I harvested the last of the broccoli side shoots for a yummy final dish. In their place, I have planted Sugar Snap Peas and Early English garden peas. I've also planted onions and carrots and am patiently awaiting their arrival. The inside seeds have been started (Arugula, Brocolli, Chard, Collards, Kale, Lettuce, and Spinach) and most of them have already germinated! I also direct seeded lettuce and chard into the new cold frames and will see what happens. This is my first time using a cold frame and I'm eagerly awaiting the results. This week I am planning to work on the new garden area. I've added a layer of wheat straw which will be covered with horse manure and compost. I'll wait a few weeks and till it all in before planting Summer Alfalfa as a cover crop. This area won't actually be ready for planting until Fall. Soil samples have been taken and sent off, and compost piles are being increased. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful Spring growing season. I've got more folks to provide for now and the pressure is on!!!
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